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Huidong Aquaculture Field

Our firstly-built farming basis, Hui Dong Long Hua Aquaculture Incorporation , which is located in Nianshan, Huidong County, Guangdong Province, is engineered and founded by the late Mr. Chan Wah Ling, himself. Its plan and equipment are very good. This field includes 16 ponds for adult eels, 16 ponds for young eels, 40 ponds for finger lings, and a pond, which can breed 2,500 kg of eel-fry at one time, for temporary breeding of eel-fry. The field is by the side of Guangzhou-Shantou Road, near the Nianshangongbei Reservoir. The transportation to the field is very convenient. It takes 50 minutes to Hong Kong, one and a half hours to Shenzhen Airport and two and a half hours to Guangzhou Airport by car. Its good water supply, together with the mild climate (yearly mean temperature is 22 degree Celsius ), makes this field an excellent eel-breeding place.

Address : Nianshangongbei Reservoir, Guangzhou-Shantou Road, Nianshan, Huidong County Guangdong Province, China.
Telephone : 86-752-8301839
Manager : Mr. FANG XINFA




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